Tag Archives: Galatians

Discussion of Novenson, “Christ among the Messiahs” in the latest JSPL


(Matthew Novenson) The new Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters 2.2 (Fall 2012) includes Joel Willitts’s article “Davidic Messiahship in Galatians: Clearing the Deck for a Study of the Theme in Galatians” (in which he interacts at length with my Christ among the Messiahs [OUP, 2012]) and my response “The Messiah ben Abraham in Galatians: A Response to Joel Willitts.” This issue of JSPL is devoted to discussion of Galatians and also includes fine contributions from Martinus de Boer, Roy Ciampa, Bruce Longenecker, Jason Maston, Peter Oakes, Todd Still, and Michael Suh.