Tag Archives: Manuscripts

A New Study of Codex Alexandrinus


(Larry Hurtado)  I’m pleased to announce the publication of an in-depth study of Codex Alexandrinus, a fifth-century manuscript, one of the three earliest codices containing the entire Christian Bible:   W. Andrew Smith, , A Study of the Gospels in Codex Alexandrinus: Codicology, Palaeography, and Scribal Hands (Leiden: Brill, 2014).  It’s all the more a pleasure to note this publication as it’s based on Smith’s  2013 PhD thesis completed here.  I am pleased also to have served as his principal supervisor.

The book focuses on the Gospels, but also addresses wider questions of codicology (i.e., the physical features of the codex itself).  Smith then probes with considerable expertise the scribal hands (he argues for more than one scribe), and marginalia, and various other matters.  The result is surely the most detailed study of Codex Alexandrinus in many years, and a ground-breaking study of the Gospels in this manuscript in particular.